Views on Tarawa

We left Kiribato in 2001.  Returning 12 years later, we were amazed at the changes.  Though increased population is certainly one of the big changes, there are others as well.

buildings on Tarawa being built into the lagoon  Vegetable stands  Restaurants  parliament buildings  more hotels

There are many more shops carrying a variety of goods.  Though the price of food is equatable to costs in Australia, there is still a selection.  Most surprising to us were the bakeries.  We bought bread and buns that were really tasty!

 shops  another store



Air Fiji has taken over Pacific Air.  This is the company with which we flew.

Fiji Airways airport


There have been some changes in Bairiki.  The stadium is still there, though painted pink now.  Most surprising was the construction of a 2-story building just to the left of the field.  We have no details on this, but were wondering if, as the population increases, whether two or three-story buildings will be constructed more often.

new building construction - love the sign! new building construction  stadium stadium and field